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Cracking the code: What is Embodied Carbon in design?

In sustainable design, the concept of embodied carbon has emerged as a critical factor in evaluating the environmental consequences of products and structures.

Embodied carbon refers to the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with the entire life cycle of a product, including extraction, manufacturing, transportation, use, and disposal. In this article, we will define 3 concepts that will help us understand that minimizing embodied carbon is crucial in achieving a large-scale sustainable future.

The Life Cycle Perspective

Embodied carbon takes a holistic approach by considering all stages of a product's life cycle. This includes the extraction of raw materials, energy-intensive manufacturing processes, transportation, and even the eventual end-of-life fate of the product. By analyzing the complete life cycle, designers can identify areas where carbon emissions can be reduced.

Carbon Footprint Evaluation

Embodied carbon provides a comprehensive assessment of a product's carbon footprint, going beyond operational carbon emissions. Operational carbon refers to emissions released during product use, such as energy consumption. By including embodied carbon in the evaluation, a more accurate picture of the environmental impact is obtained, enabling designers to make informed decisions.

Material Selection and Design Optimization

Reducing embodied carbon involves conscious material selection and design optimization. Choosing low-carbon materials, such as recycled or sustainably sourced alternatives, can significantly reduce emissions. Additionally, optimizing designs to minimize material use and waste can further contribute to lowering embodied carbon.

Moreover, considering the entire life cycle allows designers to identify opportunities for carbon reduction. By streamlining production processes, reducing waste, and embracing circular design principles, embodied carbon can be significantly decreased.

Embracing embodied carbon analysis enables a sustainable design that mitigates environmental impact.

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